Everything is connected
Tout est relié

Ankosé is an Anishinaabemowin word that emerged through conversation with Algonquin Elders from the unceded territory upon which the National Gallery of Canada is located. It is a call to action for the Gallery and its visitors to recognize the limitless connections that exist beyond the frame.

We are the circle

The Gallery is dynamic, alive and changing, and is no longer a static institution. In today’s world, we need a new brand that expresses who we truly are, while reflecting the outstanding work we do. We are not the structure of our building, the frames on our walls, nor the dominant narrative. We are so much more than that. We are a platform with which to amplify voices, a connector of individuals and ideas, and a dynamic community of artists and the general public.

Our brand is not just a logo or corporate colours. It is a living, breathing statement of who we are, a guiding vision for the future we are creating, and a reflection of ourselves to the outside world. We are the brand. We are the circle.

Our current world has become disconnected from the land, water, earth and sky, voices, stories and art. Together weaving “an invisible thread that connects us all.” We have forgotten how to see, forgotten what came before, and forgotten what lies behind and beyond. All too often, we see the world through one frame, one shape and one square. As we look up in the Great Hall, through the geometric shapes that form a circle, under the night sky, we connect to our purpose. We are not a square, a mosaic or a quilt; we are dynamic, alive, a breathing circle, an infinite loop, and a cycle in constant change.

We are Alive
We are dynamic
We are a circle

The commitments we make to each other, the voices and stories in the art across time and place, and the inspiration we find in each other, shift us from a square to a circle. And as the circle turns, we let light in, changing colours, morphing, combining and revealing the shapes that connect us. We invite others in, make space for new and radiate outward, in constant change, becoming limitless. The National Gallery of Canada recognizes the limitless connections that exist beyond the frame.

Living into recognizing the connections beyond the frame

We are well on our way to embodying our brand, but it will be up to each of us in every decision we make to ensure that we are truly living into the idea of Ankosé. We have outlined the strategic shifts we hope to make across three main areas: committing to decolonization, reframing our collection, and activating community belonging.

  1. Committing to decolonization

    Through our work with Elevate and NOBL we have begun to outline what decolonizing the National Gallery of Canada really means and the important and necessary steps to continue on this journey.

    The shifts to live into
    • A focus on our physical space Acknowledge land/sky/water and its meaning
    • Western perspective Indigenous ways of knowing and being
    • The voice of the Gallery Indigenous voices
  2. Reframing our collection

    We have already begun to think differently about our collection and the way in which we acquire and present works of art. Broadening the context around historical art as well as ensuring that we think beyond the frame to bring new voices in.

    The shifts to live into
    • Presenting the canon Amplifying voices and decentering the narrative
    • Dominant perspective Broadening the context around historical art
    • Conventional artists New voices
  3. Activating community belonging

    It’s important to make our experiences come alive in order to touch the hearts and open the minds of our visitors. We need to create a sense of belonging and to make our space feel more permeable.

    The shifts to live into
    • An impermeable fortress Inviting people in and radiating outward into the community
    • Static experiences Dynamic experiences that are alive and multi-sensorial
    • Elite and erudite Human and accessible

Questions to ask yourselves

Our brand principles drive everything we put out into the world – from the content we produce to the programs we put on, the experiences we cultivate, and our interactions with visitors, both old and new. With every project, please ask yourselves:

  1. Inviting

    How are we inviting new voices and perspectives in?

  2. Alive

    How are we making this come to life across space and senses?

  3. Open

    How are we making this relatable and human?

  4. Dimensional

    How are we showing the broader context?

Thank you all for your dedication, inspiration and hard work.

This is the beginning of our journey into Ankosé. We thank you for the work you each do and the value you each bring to this organization. We have the ability to touch millions of people’s hearts and minds. Let’s be a platform, a connector, and a permeable circle.

We are all


Visit our brand strategy and brand design sections.

For questions related to the brand please reach out to:

  • Brand roll-out questions: Shannon Moore
  • Brand asset questions: Hélène Donaldson
  • Brand strategy questions: Rosemary Thompson